Variable names in bes_2015

Due to the 92 variables included in the bes_2015 dataset, including information on each variable in the parlitools reference manual is very lengthy and not very user friendly. This vignette reproduces the table including with the British Election Study data, available here. The ‘Name’ column refers to the variable name used in the bes_2015 dataset, the ‘Label’ is the description of the variable, and the ‘Data Type’ column refers to the R data type.

Name Label Data Type
pano Press Association Constituency ID numeric
ons_const_id ONS Constituency ID character
constituency_name Constituency Name factor
country Country factor
region Region factor
constituency_type County or Borough Constituency factor
winner_15 2015 Winning party factor
con_15 2015 Conservative vote share numeric
lab_15 2015 Labour vote share numeric
ld_15 2015 Liberal Democrat vote share numeric
snp_15 2015 Scottish National Party (SNP) vote share numeric
pc_15 2015 Plaid Cymru vote share numeric
ukip_15 2015 United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) vote share numeric
green_15 2015 Green Party vote share numeric
other_15 2015 Combined other vote share numeric
majority_15 2015 Majority numeric
turnout_15 2015 Turnout numeric
con_vote_15 2015 Conservative number of votes numeric
lab_vote_15 2015 Labour number of votes numeric
ld_vote_15 2015 Liberal Democrat number of votes numeric
snp_vote_15 2015 Scottish National Party (SNP) number of votes numeric
pc_vote_15 2015 Plaid Cymru number of votes numeric
ukip_vote_15 2015 United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) number of votes numeric
green_vote_15 2015 Green Party number of votes numeric
bnp_vote_15 2015 British National Party (BNP) number of votes numeric
total_vote_15 2015 Total number of votes cast numeric
rejected_vote_15 2015 Number of rejected ballots numeric
electorate_15 2015 Size of electorate numeric
seat_change_1015 2015 winning party gain from 2010 winning party factor
con_1015 2010-15 Conservative vote share change numeric
lab_1015 2010-15 Labour vote share change numeric
ld_1015 2010-15 Liberal Democrat vote share change numeric
snp_1015 2010-15 Scottish National Party (SNP) vote share change numeric
pc_1015 2010-15 Plaid Cymru vote share change numeric
ukip_1015 2010-15 United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) vote share change numeric
green_1015 2010-15 Green Party vote share change numeric
winner_10 2010 Winning party factor
con_10 2010 Conservative vote share numeric
lab_10 2010 Labour vote share numeric
ld_10 2010 Liberal Democrat vote share numeric
snp_10 2010 Scottish National Party (SNP) vote share numeric
pc_10 2010 Plaid Cymru vote share numeric
ukip_10 2010 United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) vote share numeric
green_10 2010 Green Party vote share numeric
bnp_10 2010 British National Party (BNP) vote share numeric
majority_10 2010 Majority numeric
turn_10 2010 Turnout numeric
con_vote_10 2010 Conservative number of votes numeric
lab_vote_10 2010 Labour number of votes numeric
ld_vote_10 2010 Liberal Democrat number of votes numeric
snp_vote_10 2010 Scottish National Party (SNP) number of votes numeric
pc_vote_10 2010 Plaid Cymru number of votes numeric
ukip_vote_10 2010 United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) number of votes numeric
green_vote_10 2010 Green Party number of votes numeric
bnp_vote_10 2010 British National Party (BNP) number of votes numeric
total_vote_10 2010 Total number of votes cast numeric
electorate_10 2010 Size of electorate numeric
con_ppc Conservative candidate name factor
con_ppcsex Conservative candidate sex factor
con_ppcrace Conservative candidate race factor
lab_ppc Labour Candidate name factor
lab_ppcsex Labour Candidate sex factor
lab_ppcrace Labour Candidate race factor
ldppc Liberal Democrat candidate name factor
ldppcsex Liberal Democrat candidate sex factor
ldppcrace Liberal Democrat candidate race factor
ukipppc UKIP candidate name factor
ukipppcsex UKIP candidate sex factor
ukipppcrace UKIP candidate race factor
snpppc SNP candidate name factor
snpppcsex SNP candidate sex factor
snpppcrace SNP candidate race factor
pcppc Plaid Cymru candidate name factor
pcppcsex Plaid Cymru candidate sex factor
pcppcrace Plaid Cymru candidate race factor
green_ppc Green Party candidate name factor
green_ppcsex Green Party candidate sex factor
green_ppcrace Green Party candidate race factor
con_long_spend_percent Conservative Candidate Long Campaign Spending as % of Long Limit numeric
con_short_spend_percent Conservative Candidate Short Campaign Spending as % of Short Limit numeric
lab_long_spend_percent Labour Candidate Long Campaign Spending as % of Long Limit numeric
lab_short_spend_percent Labour Candidate Short Campaign Spending as % of Short Limit numeric
ldlong_spend_percent Liberal Democrat Candidate Long Campaign Spending as % of Long Limit numeric
ldshort_spend_percent Liberal Democrat Candidate Short Campaign Spending as % of Short Limit numeric
snplong_spend_percent SNP Candidate Long Campaign Spending as % of Long Limit numeric
snpshort_spend_percent SNP Candidate Short Campaign Spending as % of Short Limit numeric
pclong_spend_percent Plaid Cymru Candidate Long Campaign Spending as % of Long Limit numeric
pcshort_spend_percent Plaid Cymru Candidate Short Campaign Spending as % of Short Limit numeric
ukiplong_spend_percent UKIP Candidate Long Campaign Spending as % of Long Limit numeric
ukipshort_spend_percent UKIP Candidate Short Campaign Spending as % of Short Limit numeric
green_long_spend_percent Green Party Candidate Long Campaign Spending as % of Long Limit numeric
green_short_spend_percent Green Party Candidate Short Campaign Spending as % of Short Limit numeric