Retrieve all concept code options of all Nomis datasets,
concept code options for a given dataset, or the all the options for a given
concept variable from a particular dataset. Specifying concept
return all the options for a given variable in a particular dataset.
If looking for a more detailed overview of all available
metadata for a given dataset, see nomis_overview()
concept = NULL,
type = NULL,
search = NULL,
additional_queries = NULL,
tidy = FALSE
The ID of the particular dataset. Returns no data if not specified.
A string with the variable concept to return options for. If
left empty, returns all the variables for the dataset specified by id
Codes are not case sensitive. Defaults to NULL
A string with options for a particular code value, to return
types of variables available for a given code. Defaults to NULL
. If
concept == NULL
, type
will be ignored.
A string or character vector of strings to search for in the
metadata. Defaults to NULL
. As in nomis_search()
, the
wildcard character *
can be added to the beginning and/or end of each
search string.
Any other additional queries to pass to the API.
See for instructions on
query structure. Defaults to NULL
. Deprecated in package
versions greater than 0.2.0 and will eventually be removed.
Use to pass any other parameters to the API.
, converts tibble names to snakecase.
A tibble with metadata options for queries using nomis_get_data()
# \donttest{
a <- nomis_get_metadata("NM_1_1")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#> codelist conceptref isfrequencydimension
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 2 CL_1_1_SEX SEX false
#> 3 CL_1_1_ITEM ITEM false
#> 5 CL_1_1_FREQ FREQ true
#> 6 CL_1_1_TIME TIME false
b <- nomis_get_metadata("NM_1_1", "geography")
#> Rows: 7
#> Columns: 4
#> $ id <chr> "2092957697", "2092957698", "2092957699", "2092957700",…
#> $ parentCode <chr> NA, NA, NA, "2092957700", "2092957701", "2092957702", NA
#> $ label.en <chr> "United Kingdom", "Great Britain", "England", "Wales", …
#> $ description.en <chr> "United Kingdom", "Great Britain", "England", "Wales", …
# returns all types of geography
c <- nomis_get_metadata("NM_1_1", "geography", "TYPE")
#> Rows: 102
#> Columns: 3
#> $ id <chr> "TYPE1", "TYPE8", "TYPE18", "TYPE27", "TYPE33", "TYPE45…
#> $ label.en <chr> "1991 frozen wards", "parliamentary constituencies 1983…
#> $ description.en <chr> "1991 frozen wards", "parliamentary constituencies 1983…
# returns geography types available within Wigan
d <- nomis_get_metadata("NM_1_1", "geography", "1879048226")
#> Rows: 12
#> Columns: 4
#> $ id <chr> "1879048226", "1879048226TYPE236", "1879048226TYPE297",…
#> $ parentCode <chr> "2013265922", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA
#> $ label.en <chr> "Wigan", "2011 census frozen wards within Wigan", "2011…
#> $ description.en <chr> "Wigan", "2011 census frozen wards within Wigan", "2011…
e <- nomis_get_metadata("NM_1_1", "item", geography = 1879048226, sex = 5)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#> id parentCode label.en description.en
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 NA Total claimants Total claimants
#> 2 2 1 Students on vacation Students on vacation
#> 3 3 1 Temporarily stopped Temporarily stopped
#> 4 4 1 Claimants under 18 years Claimants under 18 years
#> 5 9 1 Married females Married females
f <- nomis_get_metadata("NM_1_1", "item", search = "*married*")
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 4
#> $ id <chr> "9"
#> $ parentCode <chr> "1"
#> $ label.en <chr> "Married females"
#> $ description.en <chr> "Married females"
# }