Returns details on the sections and subsections used to organise content.
See the API docs for full details on the query options available for the sections endpoint.
gu_section(query = NULL, ..., verbose = TRUE, tidy = TRUE,
tidy_style = "snake_case")
A string, containing the search query. Defaults to NULL
which returns all available sections subject to other parameters.
Supports AND, OR and NOT operators, and exact phrase queries
using double quotes. E.g. '"football" OR "politics"'
. Also accepts a
character vector of section names and returns those sections.
Use to pass any other parameters to the API. See the docs for a full list of options.
Prints messages to console. Defaults to TRUE
Convert variable names to snake_case, remove some "<NA>"
strings. Defaults to TRUE
Style to variable names with.
if (FALSE) {
business <- gu_section(query = "business")
foot_pol <- gu_section(query = c("politics", "business", "football"))