Returns fluctuation in currency exchange rates for one or more currencies compared to the base currency over a given period of time. The maximum time frame is 365 days.

Currency fluctuation data is only available for "Professional Plus" and "Enterprise" accounts.

fixer_fluctuation(start_date, end_date, base = "EUR", symbols = NULL)



The start date of requested time series, in "YYYY-MM-DD" style, or any style convertable to "YYYY-MM-DD" using as.Date().


The end date of requested time series, in "YYYY-MM-DD" style, or any style convertable to "YYYY-MM-DD" using as.Date().


The base currency to index other currencies against. Defaults to "EUR". Other base currencies are only available on paid plans.


A character vector of the symbols of currencies to return exchange rates for, or a string for a single currency. Defaults to NULL and returns all available currencies. See fixer_symbols() for details on symbol options.


A tibble with the currency symbol, start rate, end rate, change and change percentage over the requested time period. Each currency is given its own row, with start rate, end rate, change and change percentage each in their own columns.


if (FALSE) {

x <- fixer_fluctuation(start_date = "2018-02-25", end_date = "2018-02-26",
                       symbols = c("USD", "JPY"))
