Requests all available biographical information for a given member, and returns it in a list
ref_dods = FALSE,
tidy = TRUE,
tidy_style = "snake_case"
The ID number of the member, using the default MNIS scheme.
If ref_dods
is TRUE, accepts the Dods monitoring scheme instead.
If left empty, returns the same data as mnis_all_members()
with default parameters.
Request based on the Dods monitoring member ID scheme. Defaults to FALSE. If FALSE, requests using the default MNIS identification scheme.
Fix the variable names in the tibble to remove non-alphanumeric
characters and superfluous text, and convert variable names to a consistent
style. Defaults to TRUE
. Currently does not work.
The style to convert variable names to, if tidy==TRUE
if (FALSE) {
df172 <- mnis_full_biog(172)
df500 <- mnis_full_biog(500)