Returns a tibble with information on all members of both houses or a given house.

  house = "all",
  party = NULL,
  tidy = TRUE,
  tidy_style = "snake_case"



The house to which the member belongs. Accepts one of 'all', 'lords' and 'commons'. This parameter is not case sensitive, so 'commons', 'Commons' and 'cOmMOnS' will all return the same data. Defaults to 'all'.


The party to which a member belongs. If NULL, all members are returned, subject to other parameters. Defaults to NULL.


Fix the variable names in the tibble to remove special characters and superfluous text, and converts the variable names to a consistent style. Defaults to TRUE.


The style to convert variable names to, if tidy=TRUE. Accepts one of "snake_case", "camelCase" and "". Defaults to "snake_case"


A tibble with information on all members of the House of Commons and/or the House of Lords that meet the criteria included in the function parameters.


if (FALSE) {
x <- mnis_all_members(
  house = "all", party = NULL, tidy = TRUE,
  tidy_style = "snake_case"

if (FALSE) {
x <- mnis_all_members(
  house = "all", party = NULL, tidy = TRUE,
  tidy_style = "snake_case"