#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

CQC Partner Codes

The Care Quality Comission does not require registration or the use of keys to access the API, but they do want users to attach a partner code to their requests. If you haven’t been provided a code by the CQC, you should use a name or acronym that identifies you or your organisation. You can set the code for each session with cqc_partner_code(), or store it in an environmental variable named CQC_PARTNER_CODE.

Using cqcr

Let’s look at the care home options available in a few local authorities in East London. The code below retrieves the ID, name and post code of all care homes in Waltham Forest, Hackney and Tower Hamlets local authorities.

loc1 <- cqc_locations_search(care_home = TRUE, 
                             local_authority = c("Waltham Forest",
                                                 "Hackney", "Tower Hamlets"))

Given the list of care home IDs, we can retrieve more detailed information on each of these locations using cqc_location_details(). We can use some functions from purrr and dplyr to create a data frame with some basic information.

care_home_details <- cqc_location_details(loc1)

care_home_df <- map_dfr(care_home_details, `[`,
                        c("location_id", "name", "number_of_beds", 
                          "onspd_longitude", "onspd_latitude"))

care_home_df <- care_home_df %>% 
  mutate(rating = care_home_details %>%
           map(c("current_ratings", "overall", "rating")) %>%
         rating = recode(rating, "NULL" = "No published rating"),
         rating = factor(rating, levels = c("Outstanding", "Good",
                                            "Requires improvement", 
                                            "No published rating")),
         report_date = care_home_details %>%
           map(c("current_ratings", "reportDate")) %>%
         report_date = ifelse(report_date == "NULL", NA, report_date),
         specialisms = care_home_details %>% map(c("specialisms", "name")))

#> # A tibble: 193 × 8
#>    location_id  name      number_of_beds onspd_longitude onspd_latitude rating  
#>    <chr>        <chr>              <int>           <dbl>          <dbl> <fct>   
#>  1 1-105426344  Checania…              3        -0.0499            51.6 No publ…
#>  2 1-105836127  Forest V…             24         0.00178           51.6 Good    
#>  3 1-105885228  Heathlan…             84         0.00269           51.6 Good    
#>  4 1-106916349  Aspray H…             64        -0.0169            51.6 Require…
#>  5 1-107269593  Acorn Lo…             98        -0.0533            51.6 Require…
#>  6 1-108969091  St Micha…             11         0.00205           51.6 No publ…
#>  7 1-109015718  Ashcroft…             15         0.0120            51.6 No publ…
#>  8 1-109949478  Rosemead…             20        -0.0141            51.6 No publ…
#>  9 1-110213739  Albany N…             61        -0.0187            51.6 Good    
#> 10 1-1105339094 Toby Lod…             10        -0.0401            51.5 Good    
#> # … with 183 more rows, and 2 more variables: report_date <chr>,
#> #   specialisms <list>

Lets take a look at the various specialisms that care homes report. Care homes can report multiple specialisms, so the numbers below add up to more than the number of care homes. I have also used the ratings data to show the number of care homes providing a given specialism with their overall rating.

care_home_df_unnest <- tidyr::unnest(care_home_df, cols = c(specialisms)) %>%
  mutate(specialisms = fct_infreq(specialisms))


p_specialisms_rating <- ggplot(care_home_df_unnest,
                        aes(x = specialisms, fill = rating)) + 
  geom_bar() + 
  scale_x_discrete(labels = scales::wrap_format(33)) + 
  scale_fill_viridis_d(name="", option = "A", end = 0.95) + 
  labs(x = "Specialism(s)", y = "Number of Care Homes") + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom",
        axis.text.x = element_text(size = 8, angle = 60, hjust = 1))


Then, we can map our data with the leaflet package. In this case the colours indicate the most recent inspection rating, and the size corresponds to a scaled count of beds.


pal <- colorFactor(c("blue", "green", "orange", "red", "gray27"),
                   domain = care_home_df$rating)

labels <- paste0(
  "<strong>Name:</strong> ", care_home_df$name,"</br>",
  "<strong>Number of Beds:</strong> ", care_home_df$number_of_beds, "</br>",
  "<strong>Overall Rating:</strong> ", care_home_df$rating, "</br>",
  "<strong>Report Date:</strong> ", format(as.Date(care_home_df$report_date),
                                           "%e %B %Y"), "</br>",
  lapply(care_home_df$specialisms, paste, collapse='</li><li>'), "</li></ul>"
) %>% lapply(htmltools::HTML)

map <- leaflet(care_home_df) %>%
  addTiles() %>%
    addCircleMarkers(lng = ~onspd_longitude,
             lat = ~onspd_latitude,
             label = labels,
             color = ~pal(rating), 
             radius = ~scales::rescale(care_home_df$number_of_beds, to = c(5, 15)))
